Virtual reality is gaining the momentum and popularity among Gen Zen

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Virtual reality enables person to interact with an artificial 3-D visual environment .

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VR creates an illusion of being there in virtual world

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VR is used in many fields such as in Aeronautics, to train pilots, in academics.

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But the question is that VR therapy helps to overcome our Phobias and mental health problems

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Well VR therapy is gaining popularity in many parts of the world

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People are also becoming aware of the mental health and well being 

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A study revealed that at some point VR is a good option for Phobias and mental anxiety 

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VR is an appealing option for people with specific phobia

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Phobia for instance public speaking, insects and flying

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VR is well suited to tackle social anxiety disorder

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It is also helps in post-traumatic stress disorder

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For obsessive-compulsive disorder, VR is well suited

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Although experts suggest that VR therapy is not suited for all type of phobias and mental intervention

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VR is not suited for severe depression

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