Alibaba is a Chinese company founded on June 28, 1999.

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Pittenger & Anderson Inc. acquired 25,495 shares in Alibaba Group Holding Limited.

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25,495 shares approximate value is $2,211,000.

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The shares were purchased in the third quarter of Alibaba Group.

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During 3rd quarter Princeton Global Asset Management LLC also purchased the shares of Alibaba

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And shares valued at about $26,000.

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On Friday Alibaba Group stock opened at $69.42

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Dividend are also announced by Alibaba Group , which was paid on January 18.

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Dividend were paid $1.00 per share

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Payout ratio of Alibaba Group currently is 13.57%

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Platinum Investment Management Ltd. reduced its holding in Alibaba by 8.3%

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Company sells 71,987 shares of Alibaba Group.

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At the end of the most recent quarter , Platinum Investment Management Ltd.'s holdings were worth $68,665,000

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Brown Shipley& Co Ltd also increased its share in Alibaba Group by 3.2%

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Householder Group Estate & Retirement Specialist LLC bought new stake in Alibaba , valued at $27,000

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