A breakthrough in DNA repair promises a new directions in cancer research.

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Many possibilities are open up for cancer therapy.

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The mechanisms which repair the DNA , have not yet been fully researched.

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There are many reasons by which DNA break

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If DNA exposed to harmful UV rays , environmental pollutants .

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All these can lead to changes in the DNA sequence ,so called mutation.

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There are various biochemical repair mechanism are activated

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If these processes failed than the cell death is initiated to protect against malignant cells.

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There is a way to repair the DNA by Homologous Recombination(HR).

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Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have been working on HR for DNA repair .

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The process of HR is shared by all living things including plants,fungi, bacteria

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The protein know as RecA that binds to a single stranded end of the broken DNA.

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And it search for a matching sequence in an intact double-stranded DNA nearby

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Once it finds the match ,it repairs the break using the intact DNA template.

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Science is making many breakthroughs time to time.

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