Top cute and adorable animals you can't resist to cuddle them. 

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Quokka -: small wallabies and famous for cute selfie due to their always happy adorable appearance. 

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Miniature pig -: small breed of domestic pig.

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Hedgehog -: cute and adorable with sharp spines that protects it from predators. 

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Otter -: also known as semi aquatic mammals , they hold hands while sleeping.

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Slow Loris -: small and cute with large eyes but have highly toxic venomous bite. 

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Harp Seal -: pure white coat like furr with pure black eyes. 

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Capybara -: world's largest rodents and look like giant guinea pig .

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Honduran White Bat -: have white fur and leaf shaped nose and ears. 

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Lop eared Rabbit -: ears are dropped down which looks cute and adorable. 

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Sand Cat -: cute and adorable but  good hunter. 

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