The Role of Covid-19 vaccine in protecting Children against LongCovid.

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Vaccination provides low probability of developing LongCovid in Children.

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After recovered from Covid-19 but still experiencing certain symptoms is called LongCovid.

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A study showed that vaccination provides significant protection against LongCovid in Children.

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Some symptoms of LongCovid are dyspnea, brain fog, generalised pain and fatigue.

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The severity of Covid-19 has been lower in children than adults .

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There are many benefits of vaccination

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Firstly, it reduces the risk of LongCovid

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Secondly, it can help protect children from potential long term health impacts

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Many experts and healthcare providers considered the importance of vaccination as crucial step

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The research on Vaccination against LongCovid in children is promising

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More research is needed to fully understand the LongCovid.

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It is our duty to protect the most vulnerable among us

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Ensuring that everyone including children have access to vaccine

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By vaccination ,we can protect the health of next generation

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