MIT Chemists have made a breakthrough in history of proton-coupled electron transfers.

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Study reveals it will transform many renewable energy technologies.

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MIT Chemists have investigated how proton-coupled electron transfer happen

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The movement of protons between the surface of an electrode

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And an electrolyte drives an electric current , is a key chemical reaction.

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These processes are crucial in many energy technologies including fuel cells

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The studies are on going how these protons and electrons couple at a surface site.

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During research scientists were able to find exactly how the pH changes of electrolyte solution.

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Many energy applications can be harnessed from this type of reaction

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According to Prof. at MIT Yogesh Surendranath , these proton-coupled electron transfer reactions are present everywhere.

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For energy conversion process , they are the key steps.

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These findings are very important for low emission and environmental friendly energy production.

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This process is much more difficult to study 

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As proton could bind to with many different sites because electrode surfaces are usually very heterogeneous

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Well scientists have found a way to overcome this obstacle and developed a way which gives more precise control over the electrode surface.

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