"Palworld" also known as Pokemon with Guns.

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Now players can join the dedicated server upto 32 in the same world.

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The 32 player server is provided by Steam.

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While on those who are playing on Xbox or PC the server limit is only 2-4 players.

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Developer Pocketpair said, it is unfortunate that Xbox has not dedicated server.

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Other games have dedicated server on Xbox but Palworld has not.

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Upto now there are 318,000 accounts were playing Palworld on Steam.

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Palworld is now the third most playing game on the Steam

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At the launc of Palworld,Players who play on Xbox will not be able to play with Steam players .

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PC players also can not play with Steam players.

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Pocketpair said , we are working to make crossplay between Xbox, PC and Steam 

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There is still no plan for PlayStation version of Palworld.

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The release date for Palworld is January 19 , 2024.

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The Palworld game has overtaken PUBG and takes 3rd position in ranking.

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