Financial planning and for well being, Life Insurance is a vital cornerstone.

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But sometimes Life Insurance placed on back burner of financial planning.

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Although Life Insurance deserves a much higher position of our financial security.

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Studies showed that South Africa shortfall by R1 million in the life cover.

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This raised concerns about financial security of our loved ones.

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Many of us think that our partner or spouse will take of financial matters after we are no longer there.

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But this can be financially devastating for those who are left after the death of an earner.

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It is very important that we should manage our financial affairs and focus on Life Insurance.

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There is a myth that only the higher earner takes the responsibility of Life Insurance,

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Another myth is that Life Insurance is too complex and involves too much paperwork.

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But the reality is that none of us know what tomorrow may bring.

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We can choose the Life Insurance which we can afford.

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Life Insurance covers much more flexibility to evolve with you over the years.

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You can customise Life Insurance , where your cover aligns with your budget

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And also gradually increase as your income does.

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