Decentralised Finance also known as DeFi.

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In Middle East Defi is on the rise and offering new opportunities.

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The Defi market is expected to reach the value of $508 bn by 2028.

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Defi market opening new opportunities for efficiency and service integration in financial services.

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Defi is based on blockchain Technology.

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Defi enables financial transactions and full security through peer to peer networks.

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Defi is the fastest growing market and future of finance.

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Since 2020, there is 36% increment in crypto transactions in the UAE.

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Abu Dhabi Global Market(ADGM) is leading the way in financial innovation and 10.developing pioneer

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regulations for the Defi , Blockchain and crypto markets.

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ADGM is now supporting the economic diversification of Abu Dhabi

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making global financial hub.

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Many companies also taking the opportunities to increase their growth in Abu Dhabi.

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Defi is gaining the grip around the world.

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ADGM is now leading the way to introducing progressive framework 

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And regulations which will be vital for adoption of Defi.

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