Once again humanity is in danger.

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The world is still recovering from Covid-19 and now, a new pandemic might come.

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Scientists have warned about the new virus .

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The virus is very ancient and it is frozen in Arctic.

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Earth's warming climate could release the virus one day.

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And it will unleash a major disease outbreak.

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Methuselah microbes also known as zombie virus have been isolated by researchers.

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But this virus raised concerns as the diseases will come from the past.

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Planning for monitoring an Arctic has been begun by scientists.

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Scientists will pinpoint the early cases of a disease caused by ancient virus.

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It also helps in quarantine and medical treatment for infected persons.

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Also it will help to contain outbreak.

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There are pandemic threats that might emerge in the southern region and then spread in northern region.

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There are many viruses up there, which could infect humans and start a new disease outbreak.

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Scientists say that there might be one capable virus that could trigger a disease outbreak.

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